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Work with stakeholders to develop sector-specific Just Transition plans

Last updated 3 years ago

...we will work with trades unions, business and communities, to bring forward sectoral Just Transition plans, charting the transition of sites, industries, regions and communities...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.129

Our verdict


This pledge is in progress. In August 2021 the First Minister met with trades union representatives to discuss matters including the “Just Transition” agenda.

In September 2021, the Scottish Government published its response to the recommendations of the first Just Transition Commission. In this document, they reiterated their intention to consult with stakeholders on the development and implementation of sectoral Just Transition plans. They also committed to publishing the first of these as part of an upcoming Scottish Energy Strategy.

The pledge will be considered fulfilled once multiple sectoral Just Transition plans have been published, with evidence of consultation with relevant stakeholders.

“Supporting workers beyond the pandemic” (Scottish Government, 12th August 2021)

Just Transition – A Fairer, Greener Scotland: Scottish Government response (Scottish Government, 7th September 2021)

Other pledges

The SNP made several other pledges related to Just Transition. They committed to implementing the recommendations of the last Just Transition Commission and maintaining the Commission for the duration of the parliament. They also promised to create a monitoring framework for progress on delivery and appoint a Minister with responsibility for Just Transition.