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Spend £10m on combatting loneliness by 2026

Last updated 3 years ago

We will develop a new five year plan focused on reconnecting people of all ages and tackling loneliness head on, backed by £10 million over five years - with £5 million in the first two years to increase the work organisations already do, fund new ones, and help them provide safe places online and in person...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.68

Our verdict


This pledge is in progress. In July 2021, the Scottish Government announced that it was to distribute the first £1m of this funding package to nine third-sector organisations. They also indicated their intention to ultimately spend £10m on this problem over five years.

“£1m to tackle social isolation and loneliness” (Scottish Government, 29th July 2021)

Other pledges

As shown above, the SNP also promised to develop a five year plan to tackle loneliness.