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Citizenship and Democracy Citizenship and Democracy Constitution Constitution

Run a pre-indendence referendum Citizens’ Assembly on key post-independence issues

Last updated 3 years ago

Ahead of a referendum on Scotland’s future we would also ask a Citizens Assembly to consider some of the key issues about the kind of country we want Scotland to be - for example, social security, taxation or migration policy…

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.17

Our verdict


This promise is not started. The Scottish Government responded to the first Citizens’ Assembly, held in 2019, in 2021. In this document, the administration committed to holding further citizens’ assemblies. Further support for these assemblies and other forms of deliberative democracy were expressed in the 2021-2022 Programme for Government. However, no specific plan for or commitment to running a Citizens’ Assembly on the type of country an independent Scotland would be.

“Commitment to future Citizens’ Assemblies” (Scottish Government, 23rd November 2021)

Other pledges

The SNP also promised to respond to the report of the first Citizens’ Assembly, hold citizens’ assemblies annually, institute one for the under-16s and run them on a variety of other topics, including the role of local government, council tax, assisted dying, drug decriminalisation, and issues surrounding the type of country and independent Scotland would be.