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Provide a £520 grant to every family eligible for free school meals

Last updated 3 years ago

...until the Scottish Child Payment is fully rolled out... we will provide the equivalent... to all low income families in receipt of free school meals... This will mean payments of £520 per child, paid in quarterly instalments, in both 2021 and 2022…

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.45

Our verdict


This pledge is in progress. As of November 2021, the Scottish Government have paid out three instalments of a group of benefits, known collectively as Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payments, for families in receipt of free school meals. The fourth instalment, bringing the total to £520 for 2021, is due to be made in December. A similar schedule of payments is due to be administered in 2022. This pledge will be considered achieved once the final instalment in the second year is paid.

“Boost for family budgets before Christmas” (Scottish Government, 16th September 2021)

Scottish Child Payment Bridging Payments (, 30th August 2021)