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Prepare to rejoin the EU by maintaining and strengthening relations with Europe

Last updated 3 years ago

We will prepare to rejoin the EU by keeping a close relationship with Europe…

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.136

Our verdict


This promise is in progress. While this is difficult to judge, the Scottish Government continues to develop its external policy and is taking steps to intensify relations with specific EU countries, particularly those with whom the administration collaborates on initiatives such as the Wellbeing Economy Government Alliance.

For example, in September 2021, the External Affairs Secretary Angus Roberston met with representatives of Nordic and Baltic countries at Scotland House in London. The following month, the First Minister gave a speech at the Arctic Circle Assembly.

This pledge will be considered fulfilled if the Scottish Government continues to actively engage in its own external relations with the EU and individual member states for the duration of the parliament.

“European relationships strengthened” (Scottish Government, 16th September 2021)

Arctic Circle Assembly 2021: First Minister’s speech (Scottish Government, 14th October 2021)