verified Achieved

Administration Administration

Maintain the Just Transition Commission to continue advising throughout the Parliament

Last updated 3 years ago

...will maintain the commission to advise us throughout the next Parliament...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.129

Our verdict


This pledge is achieved. The original Just Transition Commission convened in 2019 and submitted a report in early 2021. A new Just Transition Commission was convened in September 2021, with the full membership revealed in December 2022. The Commission has been appointed for a fixed term until the end of the 2021-2026 Parliament.

“Making Just Transition a defining mission” (Scottish Government, 15th September 2021)

Other pledges

The SNP made several other pledges related to Just Transition. They committed to implementing the recommendations of the last Just Transition Commission. They also promised to develop sectoral Just Transition plans, create a monitoring framework for progress on delivery and appoint a Minister with responsibility for Just Transition.