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Invest £1bn towards closing the school attainment gap by 2026

Last updated 3 years ago

We will now build on progress to close the poverty-related attainment gap by: investing £1 billion over the next parliament in measures to recover from Covid, improve attainment and close the attainment gap...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.114

Our verdict


This promise is in progress. In June 2021, the Scottish Government announced that £215m would be distributed across five Scottish Attainment Challenge programmes in 2021/2022. The administration described this as the first instalment in a £1bn Attainment Scotland Fund to be distributed over the course of this parliamentary session. A further £200m for 2022-2023 was announced in November 2021.

“£15 million to improve attainment” (Scottish Government, 19th June 2021)

“Closing the attainment gap” (Scottish Government, 23rd November 2021)