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Invest £100m in the development of the hydrogen sector

Last updated 3 years ago

Hydrogen is rapidly emerging across the international community as a sustainable solution for the decarbonisation of the economy and a key element of the energy transition picture. Scotland is prepared to play its full part together with other European nations – that’s why we’re investing £100 million of resources to stimulate the sector and its supply chain...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.131

Our verdict


This promise is in progress. The £100m in funding was originally announced before the election, in December 2020. In November 2021, the Scottish Government published a draft Hydrogen Action Plan and launched a consultation on the document, which is supported by and reaffirms the £100m funding commitment. The consultation is open until the 19th of January 2021.

Scottish Government Hydrogen Policy Statement (Scottish Government, 21st December 2021)

“Making Scotland a leading hydrogen producer” (Scottish Government, 10th November 2021)

Other pledges

The SNP also promised to set a target to achieve capacity for 5GW in sustainable hydrogen by 2030.