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Tax and Welfare Tax and Welfare

Introduce the Child Disability Payment in 2021

Last updated 3 years ago

Child Disability Payment will start later this year...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.48

Our verdict


This promise has been achieved. The Child Disability Payment, a Social Security Scotland benefit replacing the UK-wide Disability Living Allowance, launched as a pilot in three local authorities in July 2021. The Scottish Government completed the rollout in November the same year, when it opened applications.

“Child Disability Payment pilot opens for new applications” (Scottish Government, 26th July 2021)

“Child Disability Payment opens for applications” (Scottish Government, 22nd November 2021)

Other pledges

The SNP also promised to introduce an Adult Disability Payment after the Child Disability Payment and to ensure the new benefits include long-term awards for people with stable conditions.