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Introduce an Adult Disability Payment after the Child Disability Payment

Last updated 3 years ago

Child Disability Payment will start later this year to be followed by Adult Disability Payment…

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.48

Our verdict


This pledge has been achieved. The Scottish Government started rolling out the Child Disability Payment in July 2021 shortly after publishing analysis of a consultation on the Adult Disability Payment. This reiterated their intention to begin Adult Disability Payment awards in summer 2022. The Child Disability Payment was introduced nationwide in November 2021. Pilots of the Adult Disability Payment were rolled out in select council areas before being introduced nationwide on 29th August 2022.

Adult Disability Payment: consultation analysis (Scottish Government, 25th June 2021

“Child Disability Payment opens for applications” (Scottish Government, 22nd November 2021)

“Adult Disability Payment increases to 7 more areas ahead of national roll out” (Scottish Government, 25th July 2022)

Other pledges

The SNP also promised to introduce an Child Disability Payment beforehand and to ensure the new benefits include long-term awards for people with stable conditions.