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Introduce an accreditation programme for Living Hours

Last updated 3 years ago

If re-elected, we will... support a specific accreditation programme for Living Hours in the same way we have supported Living Wage accreditation…

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.87

Our verdict


The concept of “Living Hours” is about best practices around working time, extending thinking around the “Living Wage” to this area of work. Living Wage Scotland and the Living Wage Foundation suggest the following guidelines:

  • Workers should be guaranteed at least 16 hours per week
  • Workers should be given at least four weeks’ notice for shifts and compensated for scheduled shifts even if these are cancelled
  • Workers should be given a contract which reflects the actual hours they work

Living Hours (Living Wage Scotland)


This pledge has been achieved. In July 2021, the Scottish Government announced that the Living Hours accreditation scheme would begin on the 1st of August. It is administered by the Poverty Alliance. In line with the Living Wage Scotland guidelines, accreditation requires that employers pay a Living Wage, offer workers a guaranteed minimum of 16 hours per week, provide contracts reflecting actual hours worked and give at least four weeks’ notice of shifts, plus guaranteed payment if shifts are cancelled.

“New scheme to promote fair working hours” (Scottish Government, 23rd July 2021)