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Health and Social Care Health and Social Care

Increase spending on mental health services by at least 25%

Last updated 3 years ago

Increase the direct investment into mental health services by at least by at least 25%...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.22

Our verdict


This pledge is in progress. The Scottish Government announced a funding package for mental health services in its 2022-23 budget. £273.9m was allocated for the 2021-2022 fiscal year, with £290.2m earmarked for 2022-23. This represents more than double the 2020-21 budget of £117.1m. Whether this is sustained across the whole Parliamentary term remains to be seen.

“Record £18 billion for health and social care” (Scottish Government, 10th December 2021)

Scottish Budget 2022 to 2023, Chapter 4 Health & Social Care Portfolio (Scottish Government, 9th December 2021)