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Health and Social Care Health and Social Care

Increase funding in primary care by at least 25%

Last updated 3 years ago

Primary care and GP services will see a greater share of NHS frontline investment over this parliament, with an increase of at least 25% in primary care funding...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.28

Our verdict


This promise is in progress. Primary care funding increases have been announced. Although these amount to under 25% of the existing primary care budget, this pledge can only be judged definitely over the course of the parliament. In October 2021, the Scottish Government announced £28m additional funding for primary care as part of the NHS and Care Winter Package. In November 2021, the Scottish Government announced that £7m of funding, £5m of which coming from the Primary Care Fund, would be allocated to improving GP premises and obtaining new sites.

“Over £300 million new winter investment for health and care” (Scottish Government, 5th October 2021)

“Expanding primary care” (Scottish Government, 15th November 2021)