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Implement Scottish Green Ports, making support conditional on compliance with Fair Work First

Last updated 3 years ago

We will implement our proposal for Scottish Green Ports, making public sector support conditional on businesses complying with our Fair Work First agenda - paying the Real Living Wage and implementing the Scottish Business Pledge – and on delivering on concrete plans to reduce carbon emissions...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.96

Our verdict


The UK Government is reintroducing freeports, zones around at sea ports and airports which are exempt from trade tariffs. The Scottish Government are planning to implement a modified version of the scheme rebadged as “green ports”. These zones would place certain labour and emissions stipulations on the firms taking advantage of them.


The plans are underway. In June 2021, the Scottish Government invited expressions of interest from prospective green port applicants. This closed on the 27th of July. A draft applicant prospectus was earlier made available in March 2021.

“Green ports to aid economic recovery” (Scottish Government, 21st January 2021)

“Green Ports Delivering Free Ports for Scotland: Applicant Prospectus (DRAFT)” (Scottish Government, 18th March 2021)

“Cities and regions: Green ports” (Scottish Government)