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Health and Social Care Health and Social Care Infrastructure Infrastructure

Ensure the move to free parking on NHS sites is made permanent

Last updated 3 years ago

We will support NHS boards to take the necessary steps to ensure parking remains free in the long term…

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.34

Our verdict


Parking charges were abolished at all non-Private Finance Initiative hospital car parks sites in 2008. They remained in place at the three PFI sites – Ninewells, Glasgow Royal Infirmary and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, charges were also suspended at these sites.


This promise is in progress. The Scottish Government agreed deals worth a combined £35.3m to buy out the car parks at Ninewells and Glasgow Royal Infirmary in August 2021. They also indicated that talks to take over the Edinburgh site were at “an advanced stage”. Once this buyout has been completed the pledge will be considered redeemed.

“Hospital PFI car parks in Glasgow and Dundee bought out” (Scottish Government, 24th August 2021)