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Administration Administration Housing and Land Housing and Land

Ensure public bodies have a duty to prevent homelessness

Last updated 3 years ago

We will… ensure public bodies have a duty to prevent homelessness, building on the recommendations of the Prevention Review Group...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.52

Our verdict


This promise is in progress. The Scottish Government, in collaboration with COSLA, launched a consultation on “Prevention of Homelessness Duties” in December 2021. The proposals would oblige public bodies to “ask and act” if an individual was at risk of homelessness. The consultation closed in March 2022.

“Preventing homelessness” (Scottish Government, 19th December 2021)

Prevention of homelessness duties: consultation (Scottish Government, 17th December 2021)

Other pledges

The SNP also promised to “aim” to end rough sleeping and homelessness. Other pledged initiatives to this end include £50m in extra funding for homelessness prevention over the course of this parliament  and introducing a national programme to increase housing choices for people facing homelessness.