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Create a Scotland Touring Fund for Theatre and Music

Last updated 3 years ago

We will… create a Scotland Touring Fund for Theatre and Music as part of economic recovery, helping to take live performances directly into alternative community venues and revitalising year-round tourism…

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.98

Our verdict


This pledge is in progress. The promise was included in the SNP’s “First Steps” document outlining its priorities for the first 100 days of a new administration. In August 2021 (shortly after the 100 days had passed), the Scottish Government announced a £750k “Scotland on Tour” fund to bring concerts to venues around Scotland for the duration of 2022. Announcements about participating artists and venues will be made later in 2021. However, this policy is not inclusive of theatre as a medium. If theatre productions are not ultimately included in this policy, or if no additional funding is announced in support of theatrical productions, this pledge will be considered broken.

“Scotland’s music on tour” (Scottish Government, 23rd August 2021)