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Build flexible and family working into the Fair Work First programme

Last updated 3 years ago

We will now build flexible and family friendly working into the programme, learning lessons from working practices during the pandemic to make it easier for women, particularly single parents, to return to work and also encourage a more equal share of childcare responsibilities...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.87

Our verdict


Fair Work First guidance is intended to be used by those in charge of distributing public sector grants and public contracts as both a template for their own employment practices and those of the organisations they fund. Please consult the Scottish Government’s guidance below for more information.

Fair Work First: guidance to support implementation (Scottish Government, 29th January 2021)


This pledge has been achieved. In August 2021, the Scottish Government announced that two additional Fair Work First criteria would come into effect from October 2021. The updated guidance was published slightly earlier than planned in late September and includes a stipulation to “Offer flexible and family friendly working practices for all workers from day one of employment”.

“New fair work criteria” (Scottish Government, 20th August 2021)

Fair Work First: guidance (Scottish Government, 24th September 2021)

Other pledges

The SNP also promised to add a Fair Work First guideline discouraging fire and rehire practices.