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Economy Economy Environment Environment

Bring forward a Circular Economy Bill

Last updated 3 years ago

We will bring forward a Circular Economy Bill to advance Scotland's ambitions for the circular economy through measures which will encourage reuse of products and reduce waste. The bill will tackle our reliance on single-use items and include measures to tackle textile pollution/fast fashion...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.130

Our verdict


The Scottish Government launched a consultation on proposed circular economy legislation in late 2019, during the previous parliamentary session. As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded in early 2020, the administration announced that the legislation would not be brought forward in that session. An analysis of consultation responses was published in May 2020.

“Circular Economy Bill” (Scottish Government, 7th November 2019)

Circular Economy: Proposals for Legislation (Scottish Government consultation, archived)


Despite the work done on the delayed bill in the previous session, there has been no indication of progress on reviving the proposed legislation since the May 2021 election. As such, while there may be preparatory work taking place within the Scottish Government, this promise is considered not started.