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Administration Administration Tax and Welfare Tax and Welfare

Automate benefits so that people receive who apply for one receive all others they are entitled to

Last updated 3 years ago

...we believe some benefits should be linked so that if you receive one benefit as a result of having a low income, other support is automatically made available to you. We will do this wherever we can and support local authorities to do the same…

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.50

Our verdict


This promise is in progress. In October 2021, the Scottish Government published a new benefit take-up strategy setting out measures to maximise awareness and take-up of social welfare payments. The strategy committed the government to exploring the automation of some devolved welfare benefits.

“Maximising incomes and increasing access to benefits” (Scottish Government, 22nd October 2021)

Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018: benefit take-up strategy  – October 2021 (Scottish Government, 21st October 2021)