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Appoint Environmental Champions to advise on best practice and report at COP26

Last updated 3 years ago

In this year of COP, if re-elected the First Minister will appoint Environmental Champions, experts from around the world, to advise the government on international best practice and keep us at the forefront of tackling the climate emergency and ecological decline. We will ask the Environmental Champions to report at COP 26 to demonstrate our world leading ambition...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.128

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This promise has been fulfilled. In August 2021, the Scottish Government announced that it had appointed the First Minister’s Environmental Council, a panel of global experts, to advise the administration on climate issues. The group is due to present plans at COP26.

“First Minister appoints environmental experts” (Scottish Government, 22nd August 2021)

First Minister’s Environmental Council (Scottish Government)