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Appoint a Minister of Just Transition

Last updated 3 years ago

If re-elected, we will appoint a Minister of Just Transition with responsibility for overseeing a ‘national mission’ of fairness and opportunity as we move to net zero…

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.129

Our verdict


The term “Just Transition” refers to the idea that the switch to net zero carbon emissions should be done fairly, without excessively burdening certain groups of people. The Scottish Government established a Just Transition Commission to advise ministers on this matter in the last session of parliament. The 2021 manifesto took this a step further by promising to create a dedicated ministerial post.


The pledge was fulfilled when the new Scottish Government was appointed on the 19th of May 2021. SNP and Scottish Government veteran Richard Lochead was given the post of Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work. This position is one of three junior ministerial posts under the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy.

“New Scottish Cabinet” (Scottish Government, 19th May 2021)