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Abolish fees for music and arts education in schools

Last updated 3 years ago

We will… abolish fees for music and arts education, including instrumental music tuition in schools...

SNP Manifesto 2021, p.117

Our verdict


This pledge has been fulfilled. In July 2021, the Scottish Government announced that these fees would be abolished for the 2021-2022 academic year after it reached an agreement with COSLA, the body which represents local councils. £7m has been allocated to cover musical instrument tuition and £6m has been allocated for so-called “core curriculum” charges, covering e.g. drama class trips.

“Music tuition and core curriculum fees removed” (Scottish Government, 14th July 2021)

Other pledges

The SNP manifesto also contained a promise to accept the recommendations of the Music Education Partnership Group, including measures such as making music a core school subject and requiring musical instrument teachers to attain GCTS accreditation.